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Selectmen's Minutes - April 9, 1991
April 9, 1991     Present:  William P. Dynan, Chairman
                           Judith A. Murdoch
                           Pamela A. Fasci
                           Robert M. Crowley

Voted 4-0 to approve CHASE putting up signs.

Town Accountant gave update on fiscal forcast for 92.

Chief Twomey reported on the operation of the Police Department and estimates that there will be a shortfall.  Will submit an article to transfer training funds to the salary line in the Special Town Meeting.  Also will probably have to go to Fin. Com. for a transfer.

Read letter of resignation of Azu Etoneiru as Conservation Agent for the Town of Hanson.

Discussed fact that negotiation sessions must be posted and minutes taken.  This was brought to the Board's attention by a citizen.

Onm motion by Mrs. Murdoch, 2nd Crowley, voted 4-0 to renew James Rubino;'s gravel permit, Jamestown Realty Trust, for Orchard Estates and Washington West Meadows.  A map of the area is to be drawn showing where gravel will be removed and taken to.

Reminder that the warrant for the Special Town Meeting on May 20 will close on April 16.

Mr. Crowley moved, 2nd Murdoch that the Board of Selectmen are instituting a hiring freeze on departments under their control and would strongly seek cooperation from departments that under the bylaws that have the authority to do the same until after the May annual Town Meeting when funding for various departments will be known.  Voted 4-0.

Concensus of the Board to go with the 0% wage freeze except for those people who may be retiring within the three year window.

Mr. Nugent noted a personal injury report by a Town resident.  Mr. Nugent will start the process with the insurance carrier in an attempt to settle this quickly.

Mrs. Murdoch moved, 2nd Crowley to enter executive session under #3, contract negotiations and potential litagation.  Roll call vote.  Entered exec. session with Chief Twomey.

Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

William P. Dynan, Chairman & Clerk